©Bad Taste Limited

Born in Reykjavík on the 11th of August 1962. Has worked as a bank clerk and lives in Reykjavík. Published his first book of poetry in 1986, a book called Dragsúgur (Draught), published by Bad Taste Ltd. Studied Spanish at the University of Granada, Spain, 1985-1986 and translated a novel by Paul Auster in 1992. Has three children. Is currently working on a novel to be published next autumn. Has met and spoken to Alice Cooper, Julio Iglesias, Bono and Eddie Vedder. Received a diploma from The Commercial College of Iceland in 1981 and two years later graduated from the College of Hamrahlíð, Reykjavík, where his main subjects were English, Spanish and French. Worked as a musician for five years (1987-1992) and travelled extensively throughout the world playing music. Has translated poetry of Max Jacob, Guillaume Apollinaire and Vicente Huidobro, and spent two years in a record store as an assistant, as well as two years working for the post-service in Reykjavík. Still lives in Reykjavík. A founder member and CO-owner of the publishing house Smekkleysa sm. hf. (Bad Taste Ltd.). His latest book of poetry is titled Klink (Clink) and was published in 1995. Won a first prize in a competition held by The Icelandic State Radio and The Playwrights Association in 1995 for a radio-play called The First Day of Summer. Finished one year of Spanish studies at The University of Iceland. Was a member of the rock group Purrkur Pillnikk (1981-1982) and some other groups before he quit playing his musical instrument in 1992. Wrote a play called How you put things which was premiered at The Municipal Theatre of Reykjavík in March 1995, and has written another stage-play with the title An Evening on Nanga Parbat. His second book of poetry, Ansjósur (Anchovies), was published in 1991, and the third one, Ytri höfnin (The Anchoring Ground), in 1993. Lives in the center of Reykjavík.