In Iceland there is no tradition for Holograms.
It's a painstaking process. First of all the equipment does not exist here - secondly there is the sandbox and the tire process.
The making of a Hologram in primitive conditions:
Find a stone basement
Find a six big tiers
Find a sandbox
Find sand
Put the tiers on top of each other 3 and 3 together
Put the sandbox on top of the tiers
Put the sand in the sandbox
Put a model of the object you want to display in the sandbox
Put mirrors around it
and on and on and on....................................
We have rented all the cyberlights there are in Iceland for this event.
They are only six but considering that the MoOn can only house 500 folks than it will be thick light sensation - The lights do play an important role - they are the makers of elements - water - earth - air - fire and well maybe one volcanic eruption or maybe the sounds will have so much bottom that you'll feel like there is an earthquake.
That is the intention to stimulate the senses to feel the illusions as part of present reality.