Diary of daily events
Go to the input of the Day

Today was the day of Big time Joy
My favorite thing to do these days is to look manually at the log in. And I do it as a rule before I leave the Craters headquarters for dreamland.
Well last night I did so as usual expecting a few visits and I was in for a major surprise. The log in was unbelievable - rolling before my eyes in endless streams and my heart took a great big leap of joy. It was around 5:30 in the morning and all my weariness washed off me and I felt ever so grateful. Grateful to the fact that if you put energy out in action it will return back to you in some unpredictable way. Grateful for the existence of the Internet. Feeling totally in love with my life. Well when I came back to the headquarters everything was in full action to take the load of incoming traffic off our server because the bandwidth was chew to the max. Big time rescue mission to move all big files to another locations. The Universe of Iceland helped us out in the end and three other Internet providers. THANX. So somehow everything else got overshadowed by the fact that InfiNet made us the cool site of the day. We even made it in the news as having one of the most looked at web in Iceland history:) So far we have had 150 thousand touches and 7000 people coming to visit the last 20 hours.
I recommend that you visit OZ Virtual