Diary of daily events
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Today was the day of rain!
I am turning into a typical night raven. So the night raven was walking in the rain today and was soaking wet when it finally flew indoors. The night raven likes to fly. I hope night ravens doesn't like to eat spiders because when I fly inside I turn into spider. So the this day was yet another day of getting news that promise good but no commitment for results. It's so difficult to get sponsors for this that it's not funny. But as a typical optimist I believe everything will work out. We got some really good and hard working folks with us, that are capable to do miracles. I have firm faith in that all this hard work that has been so much fun will pay off in that way that Craters will be as I have envisioned it. Viva the Miracles. .
An oath to the Rain
It's so soft
tickles me
all over.
It's so refreshing
cleaning me
all over.
It's all around me
like a thin curtain
and when I feel the
tiny drops inside my eye
I don't know if it is my tears
or my joy.
I recommend that you visit Seven Wonders
There is something I really like about this place.