Diary of daily events
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Today was the day of stress.
When One is working on many big and tiny things that are all very different in function it can be very stressing. But the whole element of Craters has to do with diversity. With something new. With something old in a new costume. When one does live in a country as tiny as Iceland with only 260 thousand folks living in it - it can be very difficult to get finances for such a thing as Craters. I have just found out that it is very stressing to try to follow up everything new under the sun in the net community.
But I have to admit I love the fast phase of things in cyberspace and the Internet has become the main source for being creative - It is just so incredible fascinating to be able to reach to people all over our planet and not be stuck in an old routine of worn out habits. It does seem like tiny countries have the same possibilities as any big once because it's not necessarily the input of money that counts on the net but the originality, the human factor and the beauty factor. I find it myself that I am drawn to websites that are alive and beautiful. But then again we all have our different feel for what is beautiful. Well one good news before I have to leave - we are by the log in file spreading around the world and that definitely makes my world a whole lot smaller. Viva the Internet..........I am utterly in love with it. So let's hope that Craters will get some sponsors on the project and then our event will really become even more pioneering then we could ever hope for. But to my great delight I know that no matter what that all the input from all the folks involved will give birth to something indescribably surprising. Viva the surprise ..........
I recommend that you visit Veggies Unite! for those that enjoy cooking............ or eating.