Warriors of Words
poets of the world
your words are mighty
your vision is clear
war is war is war
never peace
never healing
if war
the oracle of history speaks
through your words
through your courage
fight with the pen
with your vision
but most importantly
open the space between space
the world between worlds
between your words
the world is not simple
it is not even one
it is in layers of understanding
create that empty space
of understanding
by heart on fire
by compassion
by being unbearably honest
create that space for free thinking
curling through your words
to hit in the heart of hearts
like a bolt of enlightenment
you are the carrier of the flame
the favorite of the muse
the warrior of words
truth truth truth
seek it speak it
the bush is on fire
illusions run deep
seek speak the truth
and hope shall remain
peace shall remain
in the s p a c e