story of Neptunus and how his name came about 
is my older son: he is not a planet nor a sea god. When he was sailing
in my belly I dreamt him often. I had spent many hours speculating
about what to name him. One day I had found the name. But it looked
like that he was not pleased at all with my choice. He came to me
in a dream that very same night and showed me the planet Neptune and
whispered the name to me. Well I have to admit that I felt a bit skeptical
and decided that this was just coincident. I did write the dream in
my dream log though. I was still determent to name him the name I
had found. Few nights later he was back in a dream and had brought
two things with him. A huge dictionary and an Egyptian dream goddess.
He opened the big book and pointed out the goddess name and then his
name - Neptunus - When I woke up in themorning I felt it was all very
clear - this was the name that he had to have. I don't know why but
to be perfectly honest no other name would fit him right and he is
very proud and happy about it. He always says: I am Neptunus. He is
almost 13, reading and reading, his passion is to become a writer
and is preparing to write a play. His father died when he was 2 years
old. But he has never let his trageties bring him down, his heart
is full of compassion. What a treat to be in his company. This photo
is one of my favorites of him and his late father.
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to WOc