to *I* indeX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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I am intensively
interested in life itself. How and why and all that. I love reading
just about everything that has the quality to change the way one sees
reality. Reaches deep within and broadens the perspective. Philosophy
is a matter of interest and so are angels and fairies. I like going
to Al Anon Meetings and do meditation almost every day. I don't belong
to any religious group. Think it is one of the roots of so many evils
in our world. I believe religion is something personal, that is how
we experience it. I love swimming in the wonderful outdoor pools we
have here in Iceland. Pretend I am a fish floating at the bottom of
a deep ocean. I love writing poetry and novels and I also love to paint.
I sing when ever I can and I like music that has some depth to it. Big
bass sounds. Nature is something I need to be in ever so often. I also
need to travel to other countries and I have lived in quite a few.
My best valued moments in time are when I am reading the bed time stories
for my kids. This photo is from one of those sessions. My daughter lives
in another country and I often read and sing for her through
the phone. I tend to be an optimist. I feel strongly about my planet
and I think that there is something beautiful and amazing about everything
and everybody. It's all a matter of focus point. Everyday has its possibilities
of adventures. I am a lucky person because I have a free will and a
free choice in how I experience my life.
One thing that I find of uttermost importance is to walk my talk. And
I do believe that at this point in human history there is a growing
need to create alternatives to the increasing perspectives of greed
and the survival of the fittest kind of thinking. I think everyday might
be my last day on earth and thus I try not to push things ahead of me,
just do them. I have done a lot of things that might be looked at as
mistakes but I choose to see it as some sort of education. I often go
in circles and make the same errors over and over again but in the end
I will learn something of it. I have always taken the road less travelled.
I am an empty shell that reflects the world around me. Thus I can contain
nothing and thus have space for everything. I am the chameleon and I
melt with the perspectives and forms around me in order to understand
why people think feel act the way they do. I am art.
I am poetry in motion. I can do anything I ever want to. The only limitations
are my own thoughts. I believe in the power of the individual to change
the world. To start a revolution in our own hearts is the only way anything
will ever change and to develop compassion to the people that bother
you the most. I am you and you are me and thus we are one. A different
shade of humanity.
is the master of his or her reality. If you don't like yours, no one
else can change it but you. And usually that change is an internal
change. No matter where you go, you are always you. I am a punk, angel,
corny, heathen, white trash, native, citygirl, child of nature, rebel,
conservative, old world new world chameleon.